Siamese Cat

The Siamese cat is a world-renowned shorthair cat and a representative breed of shorthair cats. The race is native to Siam (now Thailand), hence the name Siamese cat. More than 200 years ago, this precious cat was raised only in Thailand's royal palaces and large temples. The Siamese cat can adapt to the local climate of the owner, and has a strong and active personality, agile and flexible, curious, and understanding.
Life habits
As a famous pet cat, the Siamese cat can adapt to the local climate of the owner, and has a strong and active personality, agility and flexibility, a strong curiosity, and a good understanding. Siamese cats like to be with people and can walk on leashes. It requires the owner's constant caress and care, loyalty to the owner, and deep affection. If he is forced to separate from the host, he may die and die. The Siamese cat is also very clever, and can quickly learn some tricks such as somersault and return to parabola.
The siamese cat's bark is unique or like a child's cry, and it is loud.